Entries by Andrew Coe

‘We can pay by card’

  Well I have to start this blog off by saying how very saddened I was by the tone and content of Andy P’s blog yesterday, especially after the supportive and nurturing way I have written about him in my own efforts. It just goes to show that some people simply don’t appreciate the support, […]

We drove twelve hundred miles just to go to Tesco

What a great day we’ve had. The weather has been perfect again and we spent the morning wandering around the old part of Salzburg. Great architecture and atmosphere – highly recommended for a visit. Before leaving the campsite we checked, and then topped up, Bluebell 2’s oil and water. Not something either of us ever […]

Lost Car Keys

Well, 24 hrs on and we are just waking up in a lovely little campsite in Salzburg, Austria. Arrived in Salzburg about 6 last night after a long drive from the Heidleburg gathering/party which for some, (not us old gits), went on till 4 in the morning. There was a huge gathering of ralliers at […]

A letter of complaint

Well, we have made it across the channel and are now settling down for the night in a hostel in Lille. Pretty tired because we’ve been up since about 6.30 this morning and have been on the go all day, albeit sat in a car for most of it either driving or navigating. Yesterday morning […]

Three sleeps to ‘The Off’

Just woken up to a beautiful day in Cornwall and thinking hard about the last minute things we need to do. Like get the other Andy to just make a START on packing. I thought I was disorganised but last night Andy P was desperately trying on his son’s old trainers because ‘I haven’t got […]