Three sleeps to ‘The Off’
Just woken up to a beautiful day in Cornwall and thinking hard about the last minute things we need to do. Like get the other Andy to just make a START on packing. I thought I was disorganised but last night Andy P was desperately trying on his son’s old trainers because ‘I haven’t got any shoes to wear’! I sympathise Andy, it’s only been a little over a year that we’ve know we were going to this. And shoes can be hard to come by.
Had the sump guard fitted yesterday which should protect — the sump, funnily enough. The slight problem is that the vibration noise from this piece of ‘Battleship grade’ sheet metal makes Bluebell 2 sound a little bit like a Spitfire in full climb mode. We are going to try and install some rubber spacers this morning to get rid of that. After Andy P has done his shoe shopping of course.
As you can see we now have a blog and by coming to this page you can read what we’ve been up to (internet access permitting). And if you want to see where we are and follow our route you can click on our tracker which, providing it has a clear view of the sky, will keep you updated on our progress. Fingers crossed.
I’m back through to stay with my mum near Oxford today and Andy P will join me tomorrow. Then on Saturday we head to Goodwood to register and enjoy the leaving party before heading off on Sunday morning. Our ferry to Calais is booked for Sunday afternoon and I’ve secured beds in a smart looking hostel hostel in Lile for Sunday night. After that it’s party time in Heidleberg on Monday night, Budapest on Wednesday night and then a big Friday night party on the Black Sea in Romania. Assuming Bluebell 2 gets us there of course. Hopefully then, an exciting week ahead. We’ll do our best to keep you posted,
Cheers, Andy C
Good luck. Envy your adventure. Enjoy.